Dinner/Pasta with Red Peppers and Basil

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Recently my roommate<a href="http://heyaraxd.com"> brhogut</a> home some of your coffee that she acquired for free from a local restaurant here in Nashville Tn. Sumatra being one of the blends, and the other I cannot remember. It being free we used it up without paying much attention .however, once it was gone I realized how much I love it and need it in my life. I'm guessing it was a lighter blend I am the farthest from a coffee connoisseur, often preferring gas station coffee over Starbucks (or any boutique roasters) robust flavor blends. The restaurant it came from was PM. Are there certain blends that you send out regularly for promotion or do you change it up? I am not even sure how PM acquired the stash .by profile I'm thinking maybe it was Ethiopia Kaffa Forest. Also, I have not seen it anywhere here in Nashville so I am guessing there are no retailers for it here .yet